My Projects

This page contains notable web projects of mine that are currently being hosted through GitHub pages. If you want to view all of my projects, you can visit my GitHub Repositories page.

Img2DFT is probably my most advanced project in relation to understanding the mathematics behind it (the only one that is even close is 3DPong). This project allows you to draw any closed line (with the ability to upload an image for reference) which it then uses the formula pictured belowto the right to redraw said outline using rotating circles.

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Year 3 NAPLAN Mathematics Game is my favourite game that I have made. This project was designed to prepare year 3 students for their first NAPLAN maths exam. The goal is to reach the number on the lock using the standard four operations and the digits 0-9. It was created using only HTML Canvas with the assistance of the JavaScript library p5.js .

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